Papercraft Action RPG Book of Demons Exits Early Access on December 13th

A new trailer highlights 21 facts about the game, which is currently 50 percent off on Steam.

Amid all the outrage over Diablo Immortal and recommendations being passed for alternatives, one name that’s likely popped up is Thing Trunk’s Book of Demons. This early access action RPG pays homage to the 1996 Diablo, but features an aesthetic that’s entirely papercraft. It’s slated to leave Steam Early Access on December 13th, so now is a good time to hop in.

To help newer players understand what the game is about, Thing Trunk released a video with “21 facts” about the game. Some of the features include procedurally generated dungeons, over 70 different monsters with their own corresponding families, Xbox controller support, and various difficulty modes. There’s even a Roguelike Mode for those who live on the edge.

Perhaps the most interesting part about Book of Demons is the Flexiscope, which lets you customize the length of sessions by adjusting the number of floors to clear. Obviously the more floors cleared, the greater the rewards and Gold, but it’s nice to have that freedom. Book of Demons is currently 50 percent off on Steam, so you might want to take the leap if it looks interesting to you (if you haven’t already).

Book of DemonspcSteam Early AccessThing Trunk