PC Graphic Settings For Mad Max And Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain Revealed

PC settings for both games allow users to tweak to their likings.

Mad MaxMad Max

With the release of both Mad Max and Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain today, the graphics settings for both games on the PC are released. The best news of all is that both developers for the games have left a number of things that can be tweaked depending on whether or not your computer can actually run at the highest levels and to tweak it in the way you want the game to run. While the games have only been on the market for a couple of hours, reports according to DSO Gaming is that the games are running very well on the PC.

A recent interview with Metal Gear Solid director Hideo Kojima had him claiming that he had no regrets about the way his relationship Konami lasted. It seems as if the same can also be said for the way the game has been rolled out. While there were some who wondered whether or not the video game version of the long running and well known movie series about a post apocalyptic wasteland would really be able to do the game justice, the reviews on the game so far have been more than a little positive.

The same can be said of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain which has gotten near perfect reviews from most of the people who managed to get their hands on review copies of the game. Check out some screenshots grabbed off of NeoGaf in order to see what the PC settings for Mad Max and Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain are and then get to playing because both games are out right now.

Metal Gear Solid 5 PC settingsMetal Gear Solid 5 PC settings


Metal Gear Solid 5 PC settingsMetal Gear Solid 5 PC settings

Avalanche Softwarekonamimad maxMetal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Painpcps4warner bros interactive entertainmentXbox One