Peter Molyneux: Innovation Will ‘Make New Genres Happen’

Peter Molyneux the man behind Project Natal believes that the current innovation in video games will bring in new game play elements and genre. He said.”There’s a lot of forces all coming together at once, The hardware manufacturers have really realized, ‘Look, if we really want to revolutionize things, it’s not about faster processors and more memory. It is actually about things that are being held in the player’s hands.”

“And then you’ve got the side where, at last, we’re starting to get what online really means, Thirdly, you’ve got us as software engineers and designers and creators actually saying, ‘Hey, we can make emotional experiences, Games like Heavy Rain give you a true emotional roller coaster ride. You put all of that stuff together, and you start to realize that, in two to three years’ time, when we all get used to all of this new stuff, all these new colors and the paint palette of design — it really is going to make new genres happen.”

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