Pillars of Eternity 2 Crosses $2 Million in Crowdfunding

Next stretch goal for UI customization.

Obsidian Entertainment’s Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire crossed its crowdfunding goal on Fig in less than 24 hours of its launch and continues to bust through stretch goals. The Fig campaign has already crossed $2 million in funding, sitting at $2,087,032 thanks to 18,905 backers.

Stretch goals that have been crossed thus far include two sub-classes for each class; a level cap increase from 16 to 18 and Russian localization; a seventh companion named Xoti; and scripting for AI companions. The next stretch goal at $2.2 million offers UI customization and Italian localization while the $2.4 million stretch goal will provide “twice as much voice-over” and Korean localization.

Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire takes place directly after the first game and sees your party dealing with immensely powerful deity inhabiting an enormous stone titan. Along with new locations and new characters, it will feature the addition of sea exploration. What are your thoughts on the game? Let us know below.

Figobsidian entertainmentpcPillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire