Planetside 2 European Servers Offline Following Issues

Daybreak working to resolve server issues for the F2P shooter.

Continuing Sony’s network woes, it seems that Daybreak Game Company’s Planetside – which launched yesterday for PS4 worldwide – has had its servers offline for the past 12 hours or so in Europe.

A “PSN Store purchasing issue” struck both North American and European servers, taking the game offline but the former was fixed a few hours later. As of now however, the European servers are still down. Director of development Andy Sites simply re-stated on Twitter that the team is, “Still working to resolve the #ps2onps2 EU server issue and will post another update in a few hours. Again, we apologize for the downtime.”

Not exactly the smoothest start for the free to play shooter which was originally supposed to launch in November 2013 and seen numerous delays since then. However, given the numerous other games which see online issues at launch (Halo: The Master Chief Collection, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited on consoles, etc.) it’s to be expected at this point.

daybreak game companyPlanetside 2ps4sony