PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds 1.0 Patch Datamining Reveals Desert Map Layout

Among other things.

It’s easy to forget it, given how successful the game has been so fa, but PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is actually still in Early Access; its final, 1.0 release is almost here, and the test patch that has gone live ahead of the actual thing has now been datamined, revealing some information about what avid players can look forward to when the game is ‘officially’ released.

Among other things, it seems like the desert map, which was supposed to be one of the big updates, hasn’t actually made it into this version; that said, thanks to the data for the map being present, its layout appears to have been extracted (you can see a screenshot below, courtesy of an enterprising Reddit user).

A different Reddittor has determined the game will have a jet ski with the 1.0 patch, the VW minibus and a pickup truck have both been unearthed, too. So- the three new weapons that were promised? It looks like these are it.

PUBG is available on PC now in Early Access. It is due to get a final release on PC before the end of the year, and an Early Access launch on Xbox One next month.

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