PlayStation 3 Manufacturing in Japan to Cease Soon – Report

Sony yet to make an official announcement.

Following in Microsoft’s footsteps, at least in Japan, it seems that Sony will cease manufacturing of the PlayStation 3 soon. Gematsu first noted how the store page for the 500 GB model, which is currently the only SKU in production, states that “shipments are scheduled to end soon”.

This was followed up by a tweet from a Japanese retailer who noted that the end date of manufacturing is in March. While this is currently restricted to Japan, it won’t be long before Western territories follow suit.

That being said, Sony hasn’t made an official announcement regarding manufacturing being stopped in Japan (or anywhere for that matter). The console is now roughly 11 years old with a few multi-platform games still releasing on it. We’ll see if they have a statement to share on the above reports in the coming days.

What are your thoughts on the PS3 ceasing manufacture? Let us know in the comments below.
