PlayStation 4 Fan-Made Design is the Most Realistic Yet

Though a reveal is coming tomorrow, could this be the final design for the PlayStation 4?

Though we’re only a little more than a day away from Sony’s E3 press conference, where we’ll witness the design of the PlayStation 4 after months of anticipation, the fan-made designs are still rolling in. A Reddit user recently posted his own impressions, based on endlessly screen-capping the teaser video.

He stated that, “I rendered these a few weeks ago but didn’t have the time to post these untli now, was finishing my bachelor in Graphic Design. So first things first. /u/Albino-Zebra’s rendering was the one that got me into making one of my own. I was a huge PS fanboy when i was younger. I have skipped the PS3 because of studies and whatnot, and now I am real exited for the PS4.

“Exploration in the design started with sketching and finding that living room box aesthetic. Also got a lot of inspiration from other renderers. /u/Albino-Zebra render was, I think, too fan heavy. /u/MrSmooth’s render is a great one, but a tad too busy on the front of the console. And /u/BrokenString comment about the blue horizontal light got me in bunch of new ideas and directions.”

The teaser trailer for the PS4 design.

The blue light itself is what’s interesting – it makes the console look bizarrely fresh while the rest of the design is decidedly more typical. Think it’ll wind up being the default design? Find out tomorrow when Sony finally takes the covers off the design.

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e3 2013Fan Madenext gen consolesplaystation 4ps4sony