PlayStation 4 Sales Aid Sony’s Profits

Keep it up guys, profits come soon enough.

The PlayStation 4 has figuratively been flying off the shelves but literally making an insane amount of money in the process. Between July and September alone, Sony has announced that they have shipped 3.3 Million PlayStation 4’s which brought the game division up to  a year on year increase of 84% in revenue. And in the same time frame, 800,000 PlayStation 3 units were also shifted, just proving that there’s still an install base of 7th generation gamers.

Though despite these impressive sales numbers, Sony as a whole entity has posted a loss of around £764 Million and with the ending of the financial year fast approaching and despite the increasing faith in the game division, they expect to post a much larger company wide loss of somewhere in the region of £2.1 Billion.

Unsurprisingly, the Vita didn’t do too well and nor did the PSP or PS TV’s, shipping a total of 700,000 units. Sony were reluctant to give out specific numbers for each.


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