Playstation All-Stars: Complete official list of characters

Official list.

Playstation All-Stars from Sony and SuperBot Entertainment had a rough time recently with all the leaks and the PR mess. But now for something actually productive, the PS Blog has revealed the list of complete characters that you will be able to play in the game.

Bear in mind, this is just the vanilla list, and an official one, mind. There will be more characters after the game has come out via DLC. Shocking news, amirite? Let’s hope they actually pick someone from JRPGs and stuff instead of all the poor ones this vanilla game seems to have.

I also previewed it recently and while, I loved the netcode and the way the game worked, it was sort of underwhelming in many ways. You can read my preview here. Check out an excerpt below.

The entire game is an exercise in beating the shit out of whoever you see and building up your AP bar by collecting the AP orbs. That’s all there is to it. There is strategy involved and that strategy is mostly not getting hit. The netcode is quite good and this is the one thing that impresses me a lot about the game as the original Super Smash Bros. was terrible with lag everywhere.

1. Big Daddy (from BioShock)
2. Cole MacGrath (from inFamous)
3. Evil Cole MacGrath (from inFamous)
4. Colonel Radec (from Killzone 2)
5. Dante (from Devil May Cry)
6. Fat Princess (from…Fat Princess)
7. Heihachi Mishima (from Tekken)
8. Jak and Daxter (from Jak and Daxter)
10. Nariko (from Heavenly Sword)
11. Nathan Drake (from Uncharted)
12. PaRappa the Rapper (from PaRappa the Rapper)
13. Raiden (from the Metal Gear sagas)
14. Ratchet and Clank (from Ratchet and Clank)
15. Sackboy (from LittleBigPlanet)
16. Sir Daniel Fortesque (from MediEvil)
17. Sly Cooper (from Sly Cooper)
18. Spike (from Ape Escape)
19. Sweet Tooth (from Twisted Metal)
20. Toro (Sony’s Japanese mascot!)

PlayStation All-Stars Battle RoyalePS Vitaps3sonySuperBot Entertainment