PlayStation Now Beta Video Shows Lag on 100MB Connection

The current beta phase for Sony's Cloud-based service is experiencing some issues.

PlayStation Now is currently in the closed beta stage for PS4 owners, giving them an opportunity to sample Gaikai-powered service. This allows one to play PS3 and Vita titles through the magic of Cloud-based game streaming, thus granting backwards compatibility to the PS4.

Of course, while Sony recommended a 5 MBps connection to users for streaming, one beta tester recently released a video that showed significant lag at some points. Check it out above to also get an idea of how long games take to load on PS Now. Interestingly, there’s a warning that the tester’s 100MB connection isn’t enough to handle PS Now’s loads.

Then again, this is only the beta stage. Things can, and very often do, improve in the full release. Stay tuned for more information on PlayStation Now, especially as Sony is set to reveal the games that will launch for it, and let us know your thoughts on the video in the comments.

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