PlayStation Plus August Lineup Revealed: Spec Ops The Line, Need for Speed Most Wanted

PlayStation Vita games include LEGO Lord of the Rings and When Vikings Attack.

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Sony has recently announced its lineup of games for its PlayStation Plus service for August. The games in question are Need for Speed: Most Wanted, Mafia II and Spec Ops: The Line for PlayStation 3, along with LEGO Lord of the Rings and When Vikings Attack for the PlayStation Vita.

Of course, for the PlayStation 4, Sony plans to expand its PlayStation Plus service to include cross-game chat and free albeit limited versions of commercial games for players to try before they buy (for example, Evolution Studios’ DriveClub). Of course, it has also been decided that multiplayer on PS4 will now be available only through PlayStation Plus.

Xbox Live has also begun a push to offer free full games for the Xbox 360, which includes Halo 3, Assassin’s Creed II and more. As for what Microsoft will offer on the Xbox One’s version of Live – besides the abolishing of Microsoft Points – remains to be seen. Stay tuned for more.

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lego lord of the ringsMafia IIneed for speed most wantedplaystation plusPS Vitaps3ps4sonySpec Ops: The LineWhen Vikings Attack