Playstation Plus January content revealed

PS Plus delivers

Sony have revealed the Playstation Plus content for January and just like the previous month where the service got Batman: Arkham City and a bunch of other games, we have Bioshock 2 this time, which is a game not many people have played considering its sales and odd release timing.

Now you can enjoy it but it will set you back by 10GB so you’ve been warned. It’s the full game and you also have an option of free trial.

“BioShock 2 and Guardians of Middle-earth, as well as Mortal Kombat count (except in Germany) for PS Vita. As a substitute for this, there is Gotham City Impostors. Jet Set Radio and Pinball Arcade to follow in mid-January. Batman: Arkham City as well as the Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition disappear today with the update from the Instant Collection,” Playfront revealed.

The store has already updated so you can check out the content, it’s free after all. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

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