PlayStation Plus Paid Subscribers Almost at 21 Million

Subscriber number is a huge milestone next to 40 million PS4s sold.

Sony isn’t just rolling in the success of the PlayStation 4, which has sold more than 40 million units worldwide since releasing less than three years ago. It’s also raking in the revenue from PlayStation Plus subscribers according to a new report from its recent Investor Day 2016.

As per the presentation, PlayStation Plus has 20.8 million paid subscribers across Sony devices. The company currently considers it to be a crowning achievement of FY 2015 along with the 40 million milestone for the PS4. Of course, given that PlayStation Plus is required to play multiplayer on the PS4, it somewhat makes sense as to why the number is so high.

Also, it should be noted that the figure doesn’t breakdown how many of these subscribers are only on PS3, PS Vita, PS4, etc. Regardless, it’s still an achievement for Sony and only makes you wonder about what further success awaits PlayStation Plus and the PS4 down the line.

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