President of Sony Worldwide Studios: ‘Hackers Are Geniuses’

The PSN hack saga is now a pretty well known fact in the video games industry. The PlayStation Network was hacked to hell and personal information of over 70 million users were compromised.

In an interesting interview with IGN Podcast, Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios has actually praised the hacker’s ability, so much so that he termed them as geniuses.

As far as those activities go, they’re smart, they’re very very smart, they’re some kind of geniuses. We have no idea how or who they are going to attack, so we should always be prepared…but I have confidence in our network team.

Given the fact that the gaming network was down for almost a month and caused major losses to not only Sony, but its supporting publishers and developers, that’s a pretty interesting thing to say.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more news and updates.
