Project CARS Halloween Trailer Revealed


Today, Bandai Namco Games of Europe revealed their newest trailer for Project CARS, the upcoming racing simulator. The trailer is titled the Project CARS – PS4/XBox One/PC/Wii U – Scary Nightime [sic again] Racing (Halloween Trailer) is absolutely, not scary. All it really is, is your generic racing trailer with some vaguely spooky music playing. Though I doubt you’re surprised.

Project CARS, or the Community Assisted Racing Simulator if you’re feeling picky, is a very pretty looking racing sim that is being constantly iterated on and developed recently faced a set-back when the game was delayed until March of next year.

Looking to be a main contender in the recently resurgent simulation racing genre, the game is definitely performing in the visual department and looks as though it plays well, though I can’t personally attest to its gameplay, having not had a hands on demo with it. But I really want to get my hand son it. C’mon Bandai Namco, make that happen!

bandai namcopcProject CARSps4Slightly Mad Studioswii uXbox One