PS Plus Price Increased Not Currently Planned For Europe

Thank goodness for small mercies, I guess.

News broke yesterday that Sony would be raising the price of PS Plus for the yearly and three month subscription packages in North American territories- the price of PS Plus is now $60 in USA, and $70 in Canada. However, speaking to GameReactor, Sony also confirmed that there are no plans to increase the price of the service in Europe- at the very least not next month.

Lest you take to celebrating, do remember that exactly one year ago, Sony raised the price of PS Plus for European territories– the month long and three month long subscription, to be specific. So in a sense, it could be argued that North America is only now catching up to already hiked PS Plus prices.

The hope now is that Sony at least hold steady to these new prices, instead of hiking them further- but with two consecutive Augusts having come and gone, with an accompanying price raise to boot, I’m not too optimistic on that front, to be honest.

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