PS3 Firmware Update 4.76 Released

So much stability, a horse could live in it.

The PS4 may be getting the bulk of Sony’s firmware update attention, but the PS3 is still getting firmware updates all of its own! In today’s news, we are proud to bring you the latest- PS3 firmware version number 4.76 has been released. And unlike the beefy PS4 3.00 firmware update, the PS3 update adds a grand total of… absolutely nothing to the system.

Zilch. Nada. Nope.

The official patch notes read, “Improved system software ability during use of some features,” which basically means… something. Whatever has been added to the system is backend, and probably to counter piracy. Nothing for us to worry about any rate.

Which is a damn shame- it’d be nice, for instance, if Sony updated the (or rather, reverted back to the old) PSN Store, for example; or just if library organization on the damn thing’s XMB dashboard wasn’t such a nightmare.

Oh well. The PS3’s time is almost up, and at the very least, it rides out far more feature laden than any of the current generation consoles.

