PS3 Vs PS4 – Trophy Unlock Notification Compared

A sleek new look

We have two animated images that shows off the differences we can expect to see between the PlayStation 3 and the upcoming PlayStation 4 in terms of trophy unlock notification – a point of pride in most hardcore gamers. While PS4 has yet to be released – only three weeks away, though! – trophies for numerous PlayStation 4 titles have already begun to sync with the PlayStation network.

The differences between PS3 and PS4 trophy unlock look to be largely superficial in nature – and that’s not a bad thing. No reason to mess to much with a system that works. The first and most noticeable difference with theta the trophy unlock notification appears on the top left side of the screen on the PS4, as opposed to on the PS3 where it appears on the top right.

While the notifications on PS3 were just sort of rectangular bubbles that popped in and then popped away, on the PS4 we can expect a much smoother, sliding graphic – the notification will slide in from off screen before subtly fading out of sight. It looks much more polished overall. Don’t worry, though: the signature “ding” notification will remain.

Source: Gearnuke

ps3ps4PS4 Trophy Unlock Notificationsony