PS4 Is The Best Place To Play This Holiday Season, Sony Says

Except, you know, it doesn't actually have a great many games worth playing.

Sony is starting to talk the PlayStation 4 up going into the holiday season, and what they are saying is that their newest console is the best place to play this holiday season.

Of course, if you think about it, no it isn’t. With what games, Sony? Grand Theft Auto V and The Last of Us? Games I was playing on my PS3 a year ago? Or did you mean games like Destiny, Watch Dogs, Far Cry 4, and Assassin’s Creed: Unity? Games that are also available on your competitor’s platform? How about exclusive content? Were you referring to the disastrous DriveClub? Or… actually that’s it, that’s all they have for retail exclusives this holiday.

When you compare this to the Xbox One, which has had games like Forza Horizon 2 or Sunset Overdrive in recent months, or, even better, the Wii U, which has games like Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Shovel Knight, Mario Kart 8 and Bayonetta 2, that claim sounds hollow.

I am sure the PS4 will sell well, and that by this time next year, it will have an amazing lineup as well. But as of right now, this is all hype and no substance, Sony.

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