PS4 Pro Will Become Default PS4, PS5 Could Launch by 2020 – Pachter

Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter gives his thoughts on the future of PlayStation.

Wedbush analyst Michael Pachter is back at it again. He recently appeared on the 1099 Podcast and discussed what could possibly happen with Sony. The topic of discussion was the PlayStation 4, the PS4 Pro and the not-quite-revealed-but-inevitably-coming PlayStation 5.

Pachter noted that there will be a time when the PS4 Pro becomes the default PS4 model. He didn’t specify when this would happen exactly though.

“If I had to bet I’d say 2020. Sony is making so much money on PS4 that I think that they’ll continue to make as long as they can milk it. I think that the natural extension of that is that the PS4 Pro just becomes the default PS4 and they just knock that price down to $250 if they can.”

There’s been quite a bit of contention since the PS4 Pro was announced since it played host to a number of different 4K options with only a few games really offering native 4K. This is especially conspicuous when you look at the upcoming Xbox One X which boasts more power and seems to be capable of delivering on its 4K promises.

Pachter does believe that the PS5 could be Sony’s true 4K device when it eventually arrives. “PS5 is probably going to be their real 4K device, it feels to me like they are not going to launch the PS5 until sales momentum for the PS4 slows and it just hasn’t yet. Certainly get through 2017 and 2018, I just don’t see it slowing in 2018 which would prompt them to release something in 2019. If it slows in 2019 then they will probably launch it in 2020.

“You can very safely trade in your Xbox One and buy an Xbox One X and start saving $10 a month, you’ll have some time before you need to trade it in for a PS5.”

While we wait for the PS4 Pro to become standard and the PS5 to release, the Xbox One X will arrive on November 7th worldwide for $499.

Michael Pachterps4ps4 props5sonyWedbush Morgan