PS4 Update: Sony Trademarks Next Gen Camera ‘Panopticon’

What could it be?

Sony has apparently registered a new camera called Panopticon, which could be released for the PS4, according to a new report by Nowgamer.

The listing was found on January 23, 2013 on website and the device is supposed to be a new piece of computer/video game software.

Could it be a new PS Move controller with a 360 degree camera?

“The word Panopticon refers to a type of building which allows a central viewer to see everything surrounding it – for example, a circular prison with a guard tower in the middle, which would fit with rumblings on a fully panoramic camera,” Nowgamer reports.

Sony will reveal its next gen console on February 20, so maybe they will show this then. But for now, it’s a rumour, so take it with a pinch of salt.

You can check our complete coverage of the PS4 over here, including our analysis of the recent patents Sony has filed and what they could mean.

Here’s our massive article on the next-gen systems. It features almost everything we have covered so far with a lot of opinions.

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