PS4 Viral Message Bug Has Been Fixed

Sony reports that the crashing loop caused by a viral message has been fixed.

A nasty exploit was making the rounds on PlayStation 4 consoles lately, circulated by viral messages on the PlayStation Network. It caused several machines to stop working if they didn’t use specific method to get around it. Sony revealed that it was working on a fix for the same that would be coming in the next system software update. However, the issue seems to have been recently resolved.

According to official PlayStation UK Support on Twitter, the exploit wasn’t bricking consoles as initially thought. “We’ve since fixed the issue, and it wasn’t bricking consoles, just sending them into a crash loop that can be quickly fixed in under 5 minutes. Delete the message on the PS mobile app, go into Safe Mode, use Option 5, console back to normal.”

Will bans be going out for those who sent the malicious messages? The account couldn’t offer any further information on the same, but it directed users to report those who were circulating the exploit. Head here for more information and follow the steps involved. Though this is perhaps the first time such an issue has really been encountered on consoles (that too with this kind of severity), it’s good to see Sony quickly resolving it.

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