PS5 and Xbox Series X CPUs Will Be A Bigger Boost Than SSDs – Scorn Developer

Scorn game director Ljubomir Peklar is excited about the potential of next-gen consoles' CPUs.

Solid state drives have made quite a few headlines as far as the upcoming next-gen consoles are concerned. With both, the PS5 and the Xbox Series X – especially the former – many developers have come forward to talk about how SSDs are going to bring about proper next-gen leaps in various ways. It’s worth remembering, however, that both consoles also boast CPUs that are also looking like significant leaps over what current-gen consoles have.

In fact, according to Ebb Software’s Ljubomir Peklar, game director on the upcoming first person horror title Scornthe PS5 and Xbox Series X’s CPUs are going to be an even bigger boost than their SSDs. Speaking in an interview with MS Power User, Peklar said that though SSDs will, of course, have their own unique benefits, given that current-gen consoles suffer most because of their outdated CPUs, he is far more excited to see the improvements the PS5 and Xbox Series X are making in that area.

“Everyone is touting the SSD as the next big thing, and yes SSDs will help a lot with loading and moving assets, but the biggest culprit that is creating problems in the current generation is the CPU,” he said. “That’s where the biggest next-gen difference compared to current generation will come from.”

Scorn is in development for PC and Xbox Series X, but currently does not have a release date.

ebb softwareps5ScornXbox Series X