PUBG PC Final Release and Xbox One Version Discussed By Developer

Hopefully they can get both out before the end of the year.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds is one of the biggest games of the year- so naturally, its final release (given that it technically actually still is in Early Access) release is a big deal; and its impending Xbox One release is a big deal as well, as it gives Microsoft an ace in the hole for the console wars.

In a new post on the game’s Steam page, developer Bluehole shared their road to the game’s upcoming launches; as of right now, the full focus is on hitting the game’s 1.0 (i.e. ‘final’) launch on the PC. The team is also working on the Xbox One release, which will be via the Xbox Preview (i.e. Xbox’s version of Early Access) program.

“For PC, we will be only focusing on doing our best to stabilize the launch build and we don’t have any plans to deploy patches to live servers except for this week”, Bluehole said. “However, there will be features like vaulting and climbing which will have a huge impact on the game and need to be tested for at least a month. We will be running test servers at least three times in preparation for that.”

As of right now, no release date for either version of the game has been shared or even hinted at; previously, Bluehole has heavily implied that it would like to see both out before the end of this year, so I imagine we will see that happen, at least for one of them. PUBG is currently available on PC via Steam Early Access.

bluehole gamespcPlayerUnknown's BattlegroundsSteamXbox One