Quantic Dream’s Next Gen Engine Began Development Two Years Ago

Actually scaled down for use in Beyond: Two Souls.

Destructoid recently got a chance to speak to Quantic Dream boss Guillaume de Fondaumière regarding their as of yet unannounced PlayStation 4 project that is supposedly running on a new engine.

As to whether this game would be based on Beyond: Two Souls’ engine, Fondaumière responded that development for the PS4 began two years ago. Quantic Dream was one of the first devs to receive a dev kit and interestingly, it is the technology they were working on that has influenced Beyond’s engine, rather than the other way around.

“By exploring the PlayStation 4, we got new ideas and worked very hard to implement them into Beyond’s engine. Nevertheless, our PS4 title will run on a new engine.”

That could explain how Beyond: Two Souls looks and moves fundamentally better than Heavy Rain – it’s based off of next gen technology but scaled down to accommodate the PS3. As of now, there aren’t any more details as to what exactly the developer has planned for its first PS4 title but stay tuned for more.

Beyond: Two Soulsnext gen engineplaystation 4ps3ps4Quantic Dreamsony