Red Dead Redemption GOTY edition coming in October

Rockstar have finally unveiled the GOTY edition and it includes the Undead Nightmare DLC as well. This is great news for people who haven’t played this game yet, as it costs $50.

PC version of the game is not mentioned, so for PC gamers looking to play this game, they have to wait. Although, it doesn’t look likely that it will end up on the PC. Funny thing is LA Noire and GTA 4 did but it is surprising that Red Dead Redemption hasn’t made its way to the PC yet.

Here’s what the edition will contain:

The original full Red Dead Redemption game – winner of over 160 Game of the Year honors – with a brand-new Hardcore single-player difficulty option.

Undead Nightmare: The one-of-a-kind experience that pits John Marston against a sinister zombie outbreak, along with its Undead Overrun survival-based Multiplayer Mode.

The Legends and Killers Multiplayer Pack: Adds to the Red Dead multiplayer experience with nine additional active Competitive mode map locations tailored for multiplayer action, 8 playable characters from Red Dead Revolver, the devastating Tomahawk weapon and more.

The Liars and Cheats Multiplayer Pack: Massively expands Free Roam multiplayer with Multiplayer Poker, Liar’s Dice, Horse Racing with Combat and a slew of additional Gang Hideouts and Hunting Grounds.  Plus it adds the action-packed Stronghold mode to Competitive Multiplayer.

The Outlaws to the End Co-Op Mission Pack: Six explosive and epic Cooperative Multiplayer missions to play with 2-4 players.

The Solomon’s Folly single player gang hideout and challenges (available for the first time on Xbox 360). The just released Myths and Mavericks Bonus Pack that features new fan-favorite multiplayer characters and all-new multiplayer locations to battle in.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.


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