Remedy’s P7 is “Not Alan Wake 2”, Sequel Idea Not Dead – Sam Lake

Alan Wake 2 will have to be on Remedy's terms according to Sam Lake.

In the wake of its multi-platform development and work on a new IP currently dubbed Project 7 or P7, creative director Sam Lake of Quantum Break and Alan Wake developer Remedy Entertainment discussed several things with Eurogamer. During the Digital Dragons conference at Poland, Lake discussed working with Microsoft, development on Quantum Break and much more.

He also discussed P7 and made it clear that this wasn’t a sequel to Alan Wake. “P7 is not an Alan Wake 2 – it’s worth saying out aloud.”

And though Lake would “love” to make Alan Wake 2, it’s not happening right now. “We are not making Alan Wake 2 at the moment. We own Alan Wake, I feel there is value in Alan Wake, I would love to do more Alan Wake, but these things, they are more than just creative ideas: there is a business side to it. There are many things that need to click into place to make it possible.”

He further recounts that, “Every time we have had [an Alan Wake 2] concept that we have taken to publishers and talked about, it has felt like the time and the place hasn’t been there to realise that vision. It has always felt like it would be a compromise for multiple reasons, and then we are not really doing the Alan Wake sequel we want to do.

“So for us Alan Wake is valuable, and if and when we would do it, we want to do it on our terms and make it the right kind of a sequel and not just do something, a compromise. That hasn’t happened yet.”

What could P7 be and what are your thoughts on Remedy going multi-platform? Let us know in the comments.

Alan Wake 2P7remedy entertainmentSam Lake