Resident Evil Village’s Latest Leak Says It Features Online Mode That Also Ties Into Revelations 3

It seems to be similar to what Activision has been doing with Warzone.

resident evil villageresident evil village

Capcom this year has hit some bad luck when a data hack exposed most of their projects and plans for basically the next few years. One of the biggest causalities has been their next Resident Evil game, Village. The entire plot to the game is out in the wild despite the game not even having an official release date as of yet. Now we also have an idea of what online plans there could be.

Over on the Reddit GamingLeaksAndRumors page, users have translated some of the latest leaks and found that Resident Evil Village seems to have an online mode planned called Village Online. It will include characters, skins and boosters packs, though it’s not clear exactly how that will be utilized. The most interesting aspect is there’s data here that says it will also have some type of ties with the upcoming Resident Evil Outrage title that was among the leaks, rumored to potentially be Revelations 3.

If this is accurate, it seems as if Capcom may be taking some cues here from Activision with their Warzone game. While that launched alongside Modern Warfare, it was ultimately its own game that is now going to be connected to, and running in conjunction, with every Call of Duty going forward.

Of course, while we know these leaks are legitimate considering the source, it’s worth taking them with a grain of salt all the same. We have no idea if these plans are still in place or not, nor is it clear how it’ll be implemented if it is, meaning that it may be entirely different than it seems to be detailed on paper. The game is mostly likely at least 4-5 months away, so it could be a bit before we know for sure.

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