Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic landing on April 14th

Take up arms against the Hutts on the planet of Makeb.

At the ongoing GDC, Bioware announced that their first expansion for their MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic will be arriving on April 14th . Rise of the Hutt Cartel will enlist players on the brand new planet Makeb, where they must join forces to put an end to the nefarious deeds of the Hutts.

The expansion introduces a brand new storyline, new quests, and a much needed level-cap raise which now rests at Lvl 55 instead of 50. The much awaited Update 2.0 for the main client will also arrive alongside the expansion.

Although The Old Republic has gone Free-to-play last year, there were several restrictions placed on non-subscribers. Rise of the Hutt Cartel will not be free and the regular price is $20 while subscribers can get it for $10. Those who have pre-ordered the game before January 7th will receive a five-day head start.

Will you be returning to the world of The Old Republic once again with the release of the expansion? And what other changes would you like to see Bioware incorporate? Let us know below.



BiowareEAmmorpgpcRise of the Hutt Cartelstar wars: the old republic