Rock Band 4 Will have Van Halen Songs

Rock Band proving why it's the best in its genre, again.

Rock Band 4 came through on its teases of a big announcement today, when its developers confirmed that Van Halen songs will be included in the upcoming game. Van Halen joins the list of some of the biggest names in the history of the music industry, including Aerosmith, Ozzy Osbourne, and Elvis, who are all, in turn, just new additions to the incredibly deep pre-existing catalog of music Rock Band 4 boasts, which has names such as Journey, Green Day, and Queen.

Van Halen’s 1984 hit “Panama” is the first song that has been confirmed for the game; we have been promised that eleven more songs will be rolled out in the future via DLC updates.

This marks Van Halen’s first appearance in a Rock Band game. Rock Band 4 is set to launch later this year on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It will be compatible with all your existing Rock Band music and peripherals.

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