RUMOUR: NBA Jam Wii Exclusive No Longer

EA recently announced that its retro revival of the SNES arcade classic, NBA Jam, would be hitting the Wii exclusively, thus leaving quite a lot of fans disappointed. There were many who believed that the Wii’s lack of processing power, or its tacked on motion control scheme, or its poor online setup, couldn’t really do justice to the original.

Well, apparently, EA paid heed to all your demands, as an ESRB listing indicates that NBA Jam may be bound for the PS3 and the Xbox 360 as well.

An ESRB listing seems to provide conclusive proof that NBA Jam is going to be hitting the high definition consoles later this year.

As always, EA has declined to provide any official comment.

A snapshot of the original listing may be found below:


Interesting, though it appears that the Wii is now increasingly losing exclusives to the HD consoles. At least where EA is concerned.

UPDATE: The ESRB listing has been pulled from the site. Still no official word from EA. We’ll keep you posted.

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