Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Mixes Cursing With Kinect Voice Commands

Swear at the game to perform taunts. Neat!

Saints Row IV: Re-Elected may not be the fifth game in the series but it does contain all the released DLC till now with bumped up visuals. It also supports Kinect, according to an interview with OXM where Volition’s Jim Boone outlined the use of voice commands.

“We have the various taunts and things like that in Saints Row, so imagine the kinds of words that you could say that would help the player do taunts! Basically you have people standing there swearing at the TV, encouraging the player to do the various taunts.

“Or to maybe make the player lose all their clothes, or put them back on – lots of things like that. We’ve had lots of fun with voice commands that we feel like we can kinda get away with because it’s a Saints Row game.”

Sounds intriguing to say the least. Saints Row IV: Re-Elected will be out on January 27th 2015 for the PS4 and Xbox One.

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