Samurai Shodown Will Get Second Japanese Demo June 21st

Get another taste of the game before you buy it.

Samurai Shodown is inching ever closer, and SNK is doing everything it can to make sure people know what the game is all about. That includes very extensive look at the game’s cast, as well as a demo that gave a good sampling of what to expect. Well, they weren’t happy with just one, as the game will get another demo soon.

SNK have announced that a second demo will drop for the PS4 version of the game on June 21st, and will be available until July 7th. This time around, Genjuro Kibagami, Ukyo Tachibana, and Charlotte will be playable, along with Training, VS, and Tutorial modes. Not only that, it will not require PlayStation Plus to download, unlike the first demo. An Xbox One version is also planned, but no dates are set yet. Unfortunately, just like the first demo, this will be restricted to the Japanese region. You will need to have or create an Asian-based account to access it.

Samurai Shodown will release on June 25th on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Q4 for Switch and PC, and launch in November with Stadia. Follow all the news on the previous and upcoming news on the game here.

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