Saruman joins the roster in new Guardians of Middle Earth DLC

The leader of the wizard council makes his way into the roster.

The leader of the wizard council makes his way into the roster of the console MOBA Guardians of Middle Earth. His abilities include a shield that can be detonated for area of effect damage, also silencing nearby enemies in the process. Check him out in action below:

Guardians of the Middle Earth attempts to bring the incredibly popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA for short) to the console audience. Ten players team up in teams of 5 each and must work together with the utmost coordination in order to destroy the enemy team’s base before they destroy yours. The current roster features over 20 of the most iconic characters from Middle Earth, including: Gandalf, Gollum, Legolas and the dark lord Sauron himself, with many more to be added down the line in the form of DLC. It is available on XBLA and PSN for $15.

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