Scalebound: Platinum Games Reveals Xbox One Exclusive Title

Monster Hunter meets DmC meets...something? Hmm.

Platinum Games of all developers was at E3 2014 to unveil a new exclusive for the Xbox One as Hideki Kamiya revealed the first trailer for Scalebound. Check out the trailer above.

It doesn’t seem to be real-time but the game showcases a Monster Hunter-like adventure wherein you can fight and control (or cooperate?) with dragons against larger monsters. It looks intriguing, even if the protagonist seems like an annoying version of Dante from DmC: Devil May Cry. Nevertheless, it is Platinum and it is an exclusive so we’ll reserve judgement until the game is actually released (whenever that happens).

What are your thoughts on Platinum Games’ Scalebound? Is it one of the better exclusives the Xbox One has going for it or one of the weakest? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and stay tuned as we provide more updates from E3 2014 with the conclusion of Microsoft’s conference.

e3 2014Platinum GamesScaleboundXbox One