SCE Trademarks “Freedom Wars”, Is It A New PS4 IP?

Lot of trademarks being filed by Sony.

There have been plenty of trademarks registered by Sony, Namco Bandai and Square Enix. These trademarks could give a hint of next-gen games in development at these publishers but it’s too hard to decide that right now.

Sony has trademarked something called Freedom Wars and YU-NAMA. They have also filed for Destiny of Spirits in North America and Japan along with Usha no Kuse ni Namiki da. There are no hints of platforms based on these trademarks but these are very obscurely named titles.

Freedom Wars sounds like a new IP though for the PS4 and could be developed by a Sony western studios. Maybe Guerrilla Games? They did say they were working on a new IP as well.

Namco Bandai has filed for “Brave 4″ and “Brave Soldiers” while Square Enix filed for “Dr. F”. Who wants to bet that the ‘F’ stand for Fantasy?

Are you interested in these games? Let us know below.

Via The Silent Chief.
