Sci-Fi Mystery Tacoma is Currently Free on Humble Store

Fullbright's latest is available as a standalone installer without DRM.

Fullbright’s Tacoma released in August 2017 without too much fanfare in spite of being a compelling mystery set in space. If you missed out on it or haven’t been sure of taking the plunge, then you’re in luck. The Humble Store is currently offering Tacoma for free on PC.

The only real catch is needing an account on the site and subscribing to the Humble Bundle newsletter. Also, supplies are limited, so grab it now- or before March 24th. This also isn’t a Steam key, but a standalone installer for the game without DRM. Simply download the files, install them, and enjoy.

Also available for Xbox One and PS4, Tacoma focuses on the player venturing into an abandoned space station to seemingly investigate the disappearance of its crew. Players will discover different events through audio recordings, scrub back and forth through scenes to uncover secrets, and much more. It’s a short experience, but worth checking out – read our official review for more information.

fullbrightpcps4Tacomathe humble storeXbox One