Scribblenauts Unmasked Stars Superman in All His Glory

The Man of Steel, in all his various forms, in the new game

Scribblenauts Unmasked, the upcoming DC comics tie in of the gleeful puzzle game series from 5th Cell, will feature Superman in not just one, but all of his variations and incarnations across the DC multiverse- this includes you regular Superman, Red Son Superman, Kingdom Come Superman, and more.

Pity it isn’t Batman they’re focusing on, though. Superman is interesting and all, but there’s only so much a do everything, always good all powerful superhero can do.

For those not in the know, Scribblenats Unmasked is the fourth installment in the award winning Scribblenauts franchise from 5th Cell. The new game, which takes Maxwell on a new quest, promises to add in to the trademark hilarity of the series by letting players access trademarked characters for the first time in its history.

Scribblenauts Unmasked hits Wii U, PC, and 3DS on September 24. Stay tuned for our coverage.

5th cellDC ComicsNintendo 3DSpcscribblenautsScribblenauts Unmaskedwii u