Second Limited Edition For Final Fantasy Type 0 HD Announced For Europe

Not one, but two new Limited Edition variants.

Final Fantasy Type 0 HD is definitely a special release, and its limited edition makes it even more special; that said, it is well, limited, and not to mention that the original Collector’s Edition may not have appealed to everyone. So Square Enix has gone ahead and announced a new Collector’s Edition of the game for Europe, in two flavors, actually.

The first of these is the Fr4me Limited Edition (yes, that’s what they call it), and the package will come in a special game case, called a Fr4me case, which doubles as a frame and lets you showcase any art you might have for the game.

The other Limited Edition is the Steelbook Collector’s Edition, and it comes with a steelbook exclusive only to it (not to be confused with The Golden Steelbook you get with the Collector’s Edition).

Both, the Fr4me and the Steelbook Edition will come with the Final Fantasy XV demo as well, so you get to go hands on with Square Enix’s newest project earlier than anyone could have hoped for.

So, basically, there should now be enough special editions of the game for everyone. Now if only Square Enix would announce these for the rest of the world as well.

Final Fantasy Type-0 HDps4Square EnixXbox One