SimCity Hack Allows Destruction of Cities, Caused by Always-Online DRM

EA continues to play damage control to DRM concerns.

EA’s DRM woes for the recent SimCity seem to get worse and worse – just recently, modders have been finding ways to mux about the game with mostly positive side-effects. For example, they’ve found ways to play the game offline, created larger cities and improved population management.

Not all of these little hacks are positive though. For example, apparently any changes made to files on the client-side can affect server-side activity. Long story short, it’s possible to effectively dismantle other cities around you. Just take some one else’s hard work and reduce it to nothing. Check out the video below to see exactly how.
Again, this is due to the always-online DRM that EA has set up for the game. It would be nice if the company actually took a stand on these issues but it chooses to ignore them and delete any forum posts raising said issues.

Let’s hope the great minds at Maxis are working on effectively controlling the damage. The last thing SimCity needs is bad press.

Source: CinemaBlend
