[drop-cap]S[/drop-cap]ometimes you just look at a game and think- how did this get released? Why did the publishers releasing the game think it was in a state to launch? How did it get past quality as... Read More
Be it a love and hate relationship or unbridled passion, these games consumed many lives over the years.
Sims and SimCity developer closing shop.
Battlefield 3 for $1, Titanfall for $10, SimCity for $10, and more.
Apparently it's a little bit like LittleBigPlanet, Minecraft, and Project Spark.
About effing time.
And it only took a year.
Again, why couldn't they have started with offline to begin with?
Even though they said it couldn't be done.
SimCity: Jetsons Edition.
First expansion for SimCity detailed.
Impressive model is 'proof of concept' of modding potential in SimCity.
But no larger cities.
The face of the SimCity campaign has been promoted according to a new SEC filing.
Supports Cloud saves and cross-platform play.
For now, the developer is focusing on PC and Mac releases.
Allows for bridges and tunnels, along with overpasses as well.
Now you can avoid it on another platform!
All hope is lost.
You asked and EA listened, says Labels President Frank Gibeau.