Skull and Bones leveling revolves around Infamy. Increasing it provides access to blueprints for better weapons, hull armor and ships. Each new Infamy rank provides a reward chest, and the end game becomes available on reaching Kingpin. It’s somewhat of a Prestige level since each subsequent level-up grants a reward chest with better weapons. Here are some of the best ways to earn Infamy.
How to Farm Infamy
Completing Main Story Contracts
As straightforward as it sounds, completing Contracts tied to the Main Story is a great way to gain significant amounts of Infamy. They’re usually at your ship’s Rank and easy enough to tackle (until you get to the East Indies, where everything is significantly more challenging). Main Story Contracts also don’t take much time and provide other rewards like Silver and ship items. Knock a few out before tackling other activities.
High-Value Contracts
The Contract Board in Sainte Anne only gives tasks that offer 50 Infamy each, and though some may be simple (like collecting and delivering materials acquired through your journeys), there are better options. Speak to vendors like the Blacksmith and commodities merchant – they’ll have Contracts that offer higher amounts of Infamy. Seek out NPCs in different outposts as well since their Contracts are more rewarding.
Destroy Ships
Barring everything else, blowing up enemy ships is the easiest way to get Infamy. Don’t bite off more than you can chew early on, but if possible, annihilate any weaker enemies en route to objectives for an extra bump in Infamy. In the late game, you can tackle World Events, Legendary Heists and Elite Captains, who give significantly more Infamy and other rewards.
Plundering Settlements
Attack the ships in the settlement’s bay first since they’ll give resources. After you’ve done enough damage, attack the settlement’s structures for 100 Infamy each to automatically begin the plunder. Be careful in the early game since these activities can have some tanky foes, but you’ll have to plunder settlements for essential resources sooner rather than later.
Hostile Takeovers
Though it’s an end-game activity, Hostile Takeovers are also a great source of Infamy. Since enemy ships pour in constantly, it’s easy to rack up tons of Infamy for destroying them. Just be careful of other players.
Skull and Bones is available now on Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC.