Sleeping Dogs Developer Working on Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

United Front Games is assisting Crystal Dynamics for the updated release.

Crystal Dynamics announced at the recent Spike VGX Awards that Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition would be releasing for the PS4 and Xbox One, releasing on January 28th 2014. The game will include all previously release DLC along with vast graphical additions such as a 1080p resolution, TressFX, improved shading and much more.

However, Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars developer United Front Games confirmed via Twitter that it was working with Crystal Dynamics to develop the Definitive Edition. Of course, they didn’t reveal exactly what they were working on.

It could be possible that United is working with Crystal Dynamics on improving the overall visuals. Maybe some new content is being added along with all the DLC and the original game?

United Front Games has already begun teasing Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars, which will apparently arrive for next gen consoles this year. What are your thoughts on their involvement? Let us know in the comments below.

Crystal Dynamicsps4sleeping dogsSquare EnixTomb Raider: Definitive EditionUnited Front GamesXbox One