So where was The Last Guardian at the PS4 event?

It's called vaporware.

It was widely rumoured, even by us, that The Last Guardian would be showcased for the PS4 at the recent event held by Sony. The game has been having a lot of problems technically and it would have been a wise choice to push it to the PS4 which can offer a lot of hardware grunt.

Shuhei Yoshida was recently asked about the game by Gamespot, but he couldn’t give a satisfactory answer, and told them that he wasn’t the right man to be asking about the game.

Many other games were also rumoured to be shown at the event like Final Fantasy Versus XIII, but Square Enix presentation was the worst since they showed a year old demo and also assurances that a new Final Fantasy game would be revealed at E3.

“I’m not ready to talk about it. Sorry. Because we’ve broken promises, we are waiting for the right time to reintroduce The Last Guardian,” Yoshida told the site.

“You are asking the wrong person. I have some knowledge, but I’m not in a position to talk about it.”

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