Sons of the Forest Guide – How to Find the Flashlight

A complete guide on finding the flashlight and replacing its batteries in Sons of the Forest.

Sons of the Forest features an essential tool called the Flashlight, which can significantly aid in the search for valuable gear and items within the dark and perilous cave systems. It’s a truly unique and must-have accessory. However, it cannot run on its own as you will also need batteries. So, in this guide, we’ll be discussing how you can obtain the Flashlight and where you can find batteries so that you never run out of light.

Sons of the Forest – How to find the Flashlight

  • As is the case with most items in Sons of the Forest, you will need to be on the lookout for a marker on your map ( yet another snowy mountain!). So, look for purple marker indicated to you by your GPS Tracker. As you approach closer to the location, the GPS tracker will start beeping.
  • There is a nearby cliffside on which there is a rock fastened to a body.
  • Use a ranged weapon like a bow so that the body falls to the ground.
  • Once the body falls, you’ll find the Flashlight next to it. Pick it up!

Sons of the Forest – How to Replace batteries in your Flashlight

  • So, basically, the flashlight needs batteries. It cannot run on its own forever. Eventually you will run out of charge.
  • To get batteries, you will need to find crates or points of interest. This is generally where you will most of the batteries throughout your adventure.
  • Once you get batteries, you know what needs to be done. Combine the batteries and and flashlight in your inventory to get the flashlight working.
Endnight GamesHow to find the Flashlight in sons of the forestpcSons of the Forest