Sony Forms New Company To Make Mobile Games

The studio will use PlayStation IP and adapt them to mobile titles.

Nintendo is not the only prominent console maker looking at transitioning into a mobile games strategy- Sony have set up a new studio with the express purpose of creating mobile titles, too. The studio is called ForwardWorks, and it will be developing titles for iOS and Android devices, and for now, its games will be available in just Japan and Asian markets.

These games will use ‘PlayStation IP,’ which implies that Sony IPs like LittleBigPlanet, Uncharted, and Killzone may be adapted into mobile games. This will allow mobile users to “casually enjoy full-fledged game titles,” according to Sony.

The company is going to open officially on April 1; this is roughly the time that Nintendo’s first iOS and Android title, Mittomo, is expected to launch in the west. It was made available in Japan last week, where it quickly propelled to the top of the charts with over million downloads in 24 hours.
