Sony May Not Allow Cross Platform Play Between Xbox One and PS4 After All

'We have to look at the policy and business issues.'

Earlier this week, Microsoft finally opened up Xbox Live, and announced that they would allow it to connect to other online networks, such as Steam, PSN, and Nintendo Network, to allow for full cross platform play. People were hoping, of course, that Sony and Nintendo would reciprocate, and that we would hopefully get a true gamers’ network some time soon.

However, it now seems like Sony are not so interested in allowing PSN and Xbox Live to connect. Speaking to Eurogamer, Sony Worldwide Studios’ Shuhei Yoshida appeared uncommitted to the idea.

“Because PC is an open platform it’s much more straightforward,” Yoshida said. “Connecting two different closed networks is much more complicated so we have to work with developers and publishers to understand what it is they are trying to accomplish.

“We also have to look at the technical aspect – and the technical aspect could be the easiest. We also have to look at policy issues and business issues as well.”

It sounds like Sony are not that interested in this, which is definitely not a good look for them- especially since even a company as historically regressive with its online approach as Nintendo has been allowing its network to connect to other networks since 2013.

MicrosoftPSNsonyXbox Live