Sony Now Focusing On PS5 Games, No News This Year – Analyst

Sony is looking to wind the PS4 down by banking on its momentum, it seems.

While less than fifth of all game developers have moved on to making games for the PS5 yet, according to a GDC survey, it seems like Sony’s own internal studios, at the very least, are going all in on focusing on the company’s upcoming next generation consoles. Speaking on ResetEra, Daniel Ahmad, an analyst with Niko Partners, mentioned that Sony’s internal teams have already begun to get development kits for the PS5.

That said, he also noted that for now, fans should expect no news on the upcoming console, while mentioning that this year should go fine for PS4, largely on the back of third party games, and previously announced exclusives.

“PS5 dev kits are out there and I’ve heard positive things about it. But I wouldn’t expect any information in the immediate future,” he said in one post.

“2019 will be another solid year for the platform due to the large install base, growing network sales, strong third party software, first party software and back catalog,” he said in another post. “Lineup for the first half of the year is set but second half is still in flux. Sony also has a couple of unannounced games (already existing IP) with PS4 in mind but I’m conscious that there have been discussions around making them cross gen/next gen titles. In general, most of the focus for Sony 1P is on PS5 right now. It is still early to talk about next gen but I imagine we’ll hear some whispers come out of GDC.”

It sounds, then, like Sony has shifted gears towards the PS5 internally, but that fans shouldn’t expect to hear anything about it just yet. Sony is mostly looking at winding down the PS4 by banking on its momentum, which is fair, and which is something that they have earned. Meanwhile, I have to wonder exactly what the “good things” Ahmad has heard about the PS5 will be.

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