Sony Online Entertainment Announces H1Z1

Free to play zombie MMO launches in a few weeks.

Sony Online Entertainment, the geniuses who bring us classic online hits such as Planetside and Everquest, barely started hyping up their next game, before they went ahead and revealed it fully. It’s called H1Z1, and it is a free to play zombie themed MMO which will be made available in the coming weeks.

It sounds like it will be some sort of mix of DayZ and Minecraft, as it involves player survival through an instance (up to 2,000 players supported in a single instance), but at the same time, players can also construct shelters and safety encampments for themselves using any resources found in the game world. They can band together- in fact, they are encouraged to (Sony coyly notes that all of their ‘expected social features’ will be available through the game). The building is going to get a special emphasis in terms of gameplay mechanics, since Sony recognizes that is what sets this game apart from other similar titles in its genre.

H1Z1 will run on Forgelight, which is Sony Online Entertainment’s current generation engine, powering Everquest Next and Planetside 2; Sony notes that the game is currently only announced for PC, but that ‘[they] are Sony,’ hinting at the possibility of it also making its way at least to the PlayStation 4.

The game sounds highly intriguing, and it launches in a few weeks. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for further coverage and information.


h1z1pcSony Online Entertainment